Long Island BioTech Assets
Academic Highlights


An essential component of any area with BioTech concentration is one or more institutions of higher learning that are not only excellent but have a focus on the Biotech disciplines.


Benefit Fund Miami Beach

New York Institute of Technology


90+ tech-focused degree programs prepare students for jobs of the future including expanding Biomedical Engineering degrees.


American Alliance Dining

Hofstra University

Hofstra University is Long Island’s largest private university. Hofstra’s Bioengineering is designed to bridge the gap between the life sciences and physical sciences by applying engineering concepts, methods, and techniques to biology and medicine. Their DeMatteis Co-op Program offers students an integrated educational and professional working experience.

American Alliance Dining

Stony Brook University

A top technical university with a superb Biomedical Engineering department and a vibrant Center for Corporate Education.

American Alliance Dining

Molloy University

Their new center contributes to medical innovation in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and diagnostics.

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Suffolk County Community College

The largest community college in the State University of New York (SUNY) system with countless opportunities to grow both academically and personally, with “Bio” targeted programs.

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Farmingdale State College

SUNY’s largest college of applied science and technology, Farmingdale State College is home to four Schools offering 45 student-centric degree programs including a School of Health Sciences.

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American Alliance Fountainebleau
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